Sound Requests


Sound requests allow you to play sounds on a channel or in a query. When someone uses the /sound command, all users on the channel or in the query who have that same sound will hear it play.


Accept sound requests

If this option is turned on, mIRC will listen for /sound requests from other users.


On sound request...

If a sound is already playing and a new sound request is received, you can either have mIRC halt the currently playing sound and play the new sound, or you can choose to have mIRC ignore the new sound.


mIRC can also warn you if a user has requested a sound that you do not have so that you can then ask the user for that sound.


Listen for !nick file get requests

If someone sends you a message starting with an exclamation mark prefixing your nickname mIRC will assume that they are requesting a sound file from you and will search your sounds directory for the file. If it finds it, it dcc sends it to the user.


Send !nick file as private message

If this option is turned off and you send the message !nick file to a channel, everyone on the channel will see it. if you prefer not to crowd the channel with these messages, you can turn this option on and the user will receive the message privately.


Locations of sound files

Whenever a sound is requested, mIRC will look in these directories and all of their subdirectories for it. These directories are also searched when you use the /splay command.


The /sound command

You can send a sound request to another user using the /sound command.


/sound [on|off|nick/channel] <file.wav|file.mid|file.mp3> <message>


If a nick/channel is not specified, the message is sent to the current channel or query window.


The sound file must end in .wav, .mid, or .mp3, and may be located in the default sounds directory or in any of the subdirectories in the sounds directory. You do not need to specify a directory for the filename unless the file is not in the sounds directory.


The message is optional, if you do provide one it appears exactly like an action command.